Raised the Bar for Muse
With 5 years of experience we have been breaking the limits of Muse, adding new functionality and delivering next level Muse designs. Now we have decided to share our experience with other Muse designers. We’ve built the best-selling Muse template – Skywell which is the number one best-rated Muse template of all time, which says a lot about our skillset, dedication and support.
But hey, don’t take our word for it
I design websites professionally using Adobe Muse and Skywell has brought Muse to a new level. The amount of features and the CSS, Edge Animate and other features that are built in to this template just raised the bar for Muse. Skywell has every feature imaginable if you follow the documentation (which is first rate and comprehensive), you can build a site for yourself or your client that will rival anything on the web today. I purchased Skywell to build a site for a client that makes and sells one high-end product. My client was blown with the first draft and can’t wait to see the finished product. If you are a serious user of Muse, Skywell is a must have. It is adaptable to almost any product or service imaginable. Well done and thank you Skilltech for putting Muse in the major leagues with any other site building platform.
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